GOROD GROUP acting as Assistant to the Contracting Authority (Technical Customer) organizes, manages and maintains the process of registration of IRD (initial permit documentation), design, construction and object commissioning in full accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
GOROD GROUP as Technical Customer makes the following:
- makes all necessary approvals;
- receives necessary permissions and the conclusions;
- fulfills requirements of administrative bodies, bodies of the control and supervision;
-submits all necessary demands for working out of documents and carrying out of the inspections necessary for designing of object;
-co-operates with the corresponding organizations and the official third parties by working out of documents and carrying out of inspections;
-receives the developed documents and results of inspections;
- coordinates design process with General designer and designers, controls the approval and transmission design decisions between General Designer and other design companies;
- assists General designer in protection of design decisions in approving organizations;
- represents interests of Client at execution of contracts concluded with third parties;
- carries out check of the executed works (services) and confirms to Client the conformity of volumes and appropriate quality of the executed works (services);
- represents interests of Client in the general design organization, supervises quality of design decisions.
- in cooperation with General designer solves questions on project updating;
- represents interests of Client in bodies of expert appraisal of the design documentation, supervises a course of examination of the project and timely elimination of remarks;
- receives the positive decision of expert appraisal under the design documentation of object;
- receives the building license of object and prior to the beginning of construction directs its copy with the attachment of necessary documents to interested instances;
- represents interests of Client in contractors, transfers necessary design-budget and other necessary documentation on object;
- obtains the permit to manufacture of civil and erection works, to a pulling down of existing structures, and also other documents necessary to start works on a platform of building;
- carries out technical supervision of building (volumes, quality, cost and terms of performance of works);
- checks conformity of carried out works of the confirmed design documentation, to requirements of the current legislation, building norms and rules;
- carries out the control over timely registration and a complete set of the as-built documentation, acceptance and application of materials and the products having corresponding certificates and the passports of quality;
- supervises timely performance of geodetic works in the course of construction;
- carries out together with contractor, the representative of the design organization muster of responsible constructions of object and the latent works under certificates;
- together with contractors provides connection of again laid communications to existing networks according to Technical Conditions (TC) and to design decisions. On end of works receives inquiries on TC performance and other necessary documents;
- on the instructions of Client solves questions about balance accessory of the constructed engineering networks and (if necessary) about transfer of networks on balance to corresponding organizations;
- accepts if necessary, and upon receipt, from contractor, certificates of delivery-acceptance of the executed works;
- checks volumes and quality of the works executed by contractor agrees the certificates of the executed works received from contractors, i.e. checks their structure, volume and quality.
- if necessary provides carrying out of technical inventory of structures, buildings, constructions, manufacturing of an explication and the cadastral passport of object;
- cooperates with the Official third parties concerning carrying out of checks, timely removal of remarks, makes out and represents to supervising bodies necessary documents upon elimination of remarks, receives acknowledgement on performance of requirements of the given out instructions;
- together with Client, contractors and General designer provides acceptance of the object finished by construction, carries out registration of necessary documents by results of inspection work (in case of remarks by results of inspection work supervises their elimination in target dates with registration of certificates);
- makes out in bodies of the state building supervision the Conclusion about conformity of the constructed object to requirements of technical regulations, the Legislation and the design documentation;
- obtains the permit to object input in operation;
- transfers to Client the design, technical and as-built documentation to object;
Пресс-центр - GOROD GROUP